Wills, Trusts and Executries

Nearly everyone leaves assets behind which are considered as their estate. An estate may be simple or complicated.

At BKF we have the experience and expertise to unravel the most complicated estate, dealing with income tax, capital gains and inheritance tax, tracing beneficiaries and winding up your estate. We can also offer comprehensive advice on existing trusts, or on setting up and administering new ones. You can rely on our expertise to help you comply with complex tax and accounting rules.

We can assist you if you have been appointed as an executor or are a person’s next of kin, guiding and protecting interests during this difficult period.

If you do not make a Will, it can result in delays and distress to the family in dealing with your estate. We will review your circumstances and plans objectively. We will help you identify the best way of achieving your goals by providing the information you need to make an informed choice. It is also possible to prepare a Will, so that it reduces the amount of Inheritance Tax payable.

If you have an issue which you would like to discuss with us the please contact Ellyn Fyvie.